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People feel so much pressure today. The world is changing. There are wars and rumors of war; there are plagues; there are violent storms and shortages. Economic pressures are creating stress in our homes and governments. Nobody needs to tell us that times are tough right now. BUT WE CAN TAKE COURAGE AND BE STRONG!

The Word of God is our light, and this light is real. Yeshua said, I am the light of the world, and He lives in us. In these challenging times the darkness is not to overtake us, but we are to bring His light into it. Light Always overcomes darkness. So we renew our minds. We lift our thoughts up by praying and proclaiming His love for us and His light in us.

Psalm 121 says: I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. We speak good to our own minds by speaking and meditating and praying the Word of the Lord. We remember how great and awesome our God is – He made heaven and earth – He will keep us.
From Psalm 121 we can pray:
Our Father, our King, who created everything, thank You that You live inside of me and help me to be an overcomer and a light in this world. I pray to be ever mindful that my rest and strength come from You. You watch over my life, you protect me. I thank You that through your faithfulness I will see victory! Amen.
You can pray right through the Psalms and be encouraged and strengthened daily!
The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? Psalm 27:1

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