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How Many Believers Live with Bitterness and Hatred?

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How Many Believers Live with Bitterness and Hatred? By Sherry Lush

This tense fist portrays a battle that rages in so many believer’s hearts. Is there conflict in your house? How about that never ending battle in your head or your heart that jealousy or bitterness create? Is there someone who just creates a storm in your peace? What do we do with these issues when as believers we know we are to forgive and love? Honestly, we need to face them head on and deal with the real heart issues.

The Word addresses these issues – and this is where the rubber meets the road. Will we yield our conflict to the Lord and allow His attitude and His forgiveness toward us to flow to others? In the prayer that Yeshua taught us, He said, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. *Matthew 6:12
*Proverbs 10:12 points us to the truth that hatred will stir up conflict, yet love will cover all wrongs. Hatred and anger – even hidden anger will only result in conflict and division. Conflict needs to be dealt with because when it festers, the hatred and anger that result will lead to division. Our power is in allowing the Holy Spirit to cleanse our hearts and fill them with His love. We are to be known by our love. Does this sound impossible? Again, Yeshua had something to say - Jesus said, '… If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes. *Mark 9:23 We can allow Him to change our hearts and replace the hatred for love, but we have to let His love in.

*I John 2:9-10 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.

Rather than allowing our lives to be consumed with hatred and anger, which leads to division, choose forgiveness and love. And strive for unity. Even if the other person doesn’t return the same love, we choose to live our lives with a heart of love. It is the most difficult and most important thing we will ever do!


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