Thursday, July 20, 2023

Greetings to All,
The month of Av is full of tragic and repeating events. It points out to all of us how critical it is to be in unity and loving our fellow believers. We want you all to know that you are greatly loved by us at Alpha and Omega Ministries, and so joyful that you are with us.

We serve such an awesome God, whose blood unites and strengthens all of us. His promises to us are far better than gold, for we can trust Him and His Word in this world where trust seems to be outdated.

There is not G-d like our G-d, and we can rejoice and hope in Him, always. Now is the time to help one another and remind each other of His greatness and of His goodness to us. He is a good, good Father, and we want to spread His love. May our love for him overflow to everyone we encounter every day!

Download the full newsletter document: Newsletter for the Month of AV 5783