Thursday, April 20, 2023

Shalom to All,
We at Alpha and Omega Ministries pray that this month finds each one of you thriving in the Lord and spreading His Light everywhere you go.
*Isaiah 48:3 says: 'I declared the former things long ago And they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them.

Suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.

It certainly does appear that G-d is bringing things that we may never have dreamed to see, suddenly upon the earth. Governments are acting without the normal and expected rules and procedures, freedoms are being removed, there are shortages, there is lawlessness, and the list could go on. You all probably watch the news.

And amazingly, these things are happening world-wide; no geographical area is being left out. But we are not discouraged, as the Lord told us that when these things begin to happen, we are to lift our heads. We know these are all signs that our Messiah is coming, and He is coming soon. What a blessing and what a responsibility to be alive today. He has trusted us to bring as many people with us as possible into His kingdom, in this time! May we all be strengthened and blessed as we do the work He called us to do.

Download the full newsletter document: NEWSLETTTER FOR the MONTH of IYAR, 5783 By Sherry Lush