Tuesday, December 6, 2022

By Sherry Lush
In Kislev, the 9th month on the Jewish calendar counting from Nisan, we celebrate Chanukah! With joy we light the lights of Chanukah each night for 8 nights and remember that there was Victory! The Victory of light over darkness. The Victory of good over evil.

How very encouraging this victory is considering the times in which we live. It began with was just a small band, a family, who stood up to this evil of worshipping an idols.

They were greatly outnumbered, by a large, well-equipped Syrian-Greek empire, but they didn’t let that hinder their efforts. They stood and fought for what was right in God’s eyes. And God sees, and He is on their side.

Download the full newsletter document: Newsletter for the Month of Kislev – 5783

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